(Polski) Uwaga szkolenie: INŻYNIERIA UTRZYMANIA RUCHU W FABRYCE PELLETU – Jakość Produktu – Utrzymanie Ruchu – Zarządzanie Produkcją

The Polish Pellet Council invites You to a training about:


Product Quality – Maintenance – Production Management 21/05/2019


The training will take place on 21 May 2019 in Warsaw.


The aim of the training is a detailed discussion of the principles of maintenance using tools such as preventive maintenance, operator maintenance. The rules of machine inspections, scheduling of technical inspections, overhauls, retoolings and micro-stoppages will be discussed, as well as the scope of operator training. During practical training, the principles of Factory Production Control will be presented in the context of ensuring the quality of wood pellets in situations of breakdowns, failures and downtimes. You’re Welcome!


The detailed program of the meeting is located here


Additional information about the training and organizer You can be found here

We would like to invite You to the training: Maintenance engineering in the pellet factory.

Let’s report cases of fakes and fraud in the pellet market

The Polish Pellet Council advises – report to us cases of falsification and fraud in the industry!

The Polish Pellet Council is increasingly recording cases of fraud and counterfeiting in the wood pellet industry. One of the tools used by the European Pellet Council (EPC) to counteract this type of practice is the emergence of so-called Blacklist of entities that have violated the law in this area. If You have any doubts as to whether a given producer or trader is acting honestly in the industry, check whether it is on the so-called Black Lists.

 If You have evidence that his practices are unfair, please report it to the Polish Pellet Council at: info@polskaradapelletu.org

The Polish Pellet Council wants to fight unfair practices and falsifications in behalf of honest producers and trading companies, and above all for the health and life of people, both users of class 5 pellets and all citizens!



(Polski) IV Forum Pelletu Kraków 2019

We cordially invite You for the IV edition of the Pellet Forum,
the most important national industry meeting in Krakow.

This is a conference in which over 500 guests from Poland and abroad have taken part together so far. Here are presented the latest trends in the domestic and global pellet market. It also means technological solutions and current legal regulations conditioning the development of renewable energy sources.

The theme of this year’s edition of the Forum will be “pellets in the era of energy transformation”. The directions of the EU energy and climate policy clearly indicate the leading role of OZE. Clean combustion and improvement of air quality, alternative sources of energy alternative to conventional fuels – these are not just slogans but specific goals that Poland has to achieve. In addition to a solid dose of substantive knowledge, the June conference is a proven formula of knowledge + business that offers companies – participants a unique opportunity to present their offer among professionals from Poland and abroad. The non-binding networking accompanying the conference allows you to exchange contacts for contracts.

We are pleased to inform you that she took the patronage over the event

All information regarding the IV Pellet Forum You can found on the Organizer’s website tutaj

You’re welcome!

(Polski) Biomasa i paliwa alternatywne w ciepłownictwie – 11/12.03.2019 r., Hotel Arłamów

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polski.

(Polski) Obligatoryjne szkolenie autoryzowane przez EPC pt. ENplus® Quality Manager training, 18.03.2019, Poznań

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polski.