Dear EPC Members,
Here is the information for our EPC annual seminar that will be held in Gdańsk (Poland) from the 20th to the 22nd June 2018. As usual, the seminar is a great opportunity for all of us to take the time to brainstorm in a relaxed atmosphere, mainly for planning future activities.
You will find attached the invitation, including a preliminary program for you to arrange your trip.
For facilitating the organisation of this event, we would appreciate if you could register by filling the form that you’ll find HERE. Please confirm your attendance before the 18th of May 2018. Please be advised that the cost of participation in the event is € 350,00.
18.06.20-22 EPC seminar PL invitation-programme
Should you also be interested, a Pellet Conference will take place in the same hotel as the EPC annual seminar on the 18th and possibly the 19th of June 2018 (for more information, please contact