(Polski) Zwyczajne Walne Zebranie Członków Stowarzyszenia Polskiej Rady Pelletu za Nami

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(Polski) Seminarium Europejskiej Rady Pelletu (EPC) w Gdańsku zakończone sukcesem!

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PRP representatives at the meeting with the Plenipotentiary for Smog Mr Piotr Woźny

We are pleased to announce that on May 25 this year In the Ministry of Enterprise and Technology in Warsaw a meeting of representatives of the Polish Pellet Council with the Representative for Smog Mr. Piotr Woźny took place.

On behalf of the Polish Pellet Council, the meeting was attended by:

  • Dr Iwona Jelonek – regular member of PRP, expert on anti-smog resolutions
  • Agnieszka Kędziora-Urbanowicz – PRP vice-president
  • Adam Sarnaszek – founding member of PRP

During the meeting, future joint actions were discussed as part of the smog program, which is a cohesive point of government and the Polish Pellet Council. Activities will be implemented as part of the Clean Air program, in which the described activity catalog is not a closed list and will be supplemented depending on emerging needs. This catalog also includes the educational and information activities of the Polish Pellet Council.

Plenipotentiary for Smog – Piotr Woźny very enthusiastically accepted the postulates of PRP representatives, as evidenced by the joint initiative to prepare in the coming months a govermental conference on quality assurance of wood pellets in the context of using its certain mechanisms to control solid fuels and present the condition and potential of pellet market wood in Poland and Europe.

The next meeting with the Representative for Smog – Mr. Piotr Woźny is planned in July this year.

(Polski) Doktorat wdrożeniowy nt. ekologicznych paliw do kotłów na pellet realizowany przez członka założyciela PRP – Adama Noconia

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Member of Polish Pellet Council – ITD’s Accredited Laboratory obtained the status of “testing body” by the European Pellet Council

The European Pellet Council included the Wood Technology Institute’s Accredited Laboratory in the list of so-called “testing bodies” – 24 laboratories from Europe, the United States, and Canada, authorized to test pellets to obtain or maintain the ENplus® certificate.



The Wood Technology Institute offers a new service: testing of wood pellets for compliance with EN ISO 17225-2:2014-07  and the ENplus® certificate requirements issued by the European Pellet Council.

The Wood Technology Institute’s Accredited Laboratory is accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditation in accordance with PN-EN ISO 17225-2: 2014-07 standard requirements certificate No. AB 088 and in accordance with ENplus® certificate by European Pellet Council.


Inquiries should be sent to:

Agnieszka Jankowska , MSc (Eng)

+48.61 849 24 18


Correspondence address:

Wood Technology Institute
Bioenergy Department
Winiarska Str 1, 60-654 Poznan, Poland



Application for testing